Page 16 - Women of Influence Magazine May 2018
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Women of INfluence Magazine Women of Influence EmpowEring womEn To impacT naTions
May 2018 May 2018
HEALTH IS wEALTH FLY: First love Yourself ADVICE
Do independent research, everything we have been taught
is wrong. Our minds are so colonized that we think vanilla
is white.
I was diagnosed with colon cancer August changes things.
2005. First surgery to cut out the mass and I continued on Western medicine was never meant to heal you. It’s a
reattach my colon was done 30 days later. with the doctor’s medical practice, they are practicing on bodies.
At that time, I thought that would be my one course of action
and only surgery; how wrong was I. A very for the total of Pharmaceutical companies don’t make cures; they make
aggressive form of chemotherapy named (5 six years. By the customers and profit billions through practicing.
FU) followed surgery. The chemotherapy was six year I was
administered every other week. I would enter sick as I ever felt There are at least five unhealthy foods we all are addicted to.
the hospital feeling just fine; once they began in my entire life. Try eliminating one a item a month. Replace the unhealthy
administering all the 5 large doses of poison Organs removed, item with a healthy choice. Example: replace all purpose
intravenously, my body would start changing doses of drugs flour with spelt flour.
immediately. The professionals refer to attacked my
this as side effects. Very fatigued, itchy, dry body. I decided to Try a vegetable day or a fruit day once a month.
mouth, etc. Before departing the nurses seek out healing
would attach a final IV poison to my port valve and cures; Not Eat well and elevate your spiritual, mental, physical, and
and send me home with more chemo-drugs medical poison and surgical abuse. As I my eyes to tell me my ailments and provided anything. My oncologist said that I was a miracle. I looked emotional well being.
being pumped into my system for another 2 began my research for healing family and a food list that would relieve some of my at them and thought all this time (6 yrs), I stupidly; like
days until it beeps indicating that I needed friends were still against anything but what symptoms. The food list he provided had many others, put my life in their practicing hands. On my Purchase: Health Guardians children’s book by Ron Seaborn.
to report back to the hospital to be dislodged the person in the white coat says is good for alkaline good foods / acid bad foods. I was own, my life and health has been better than ever through
from the mechanism. A series of shots were me. I reside in this body, no doctor, family on my path to healing but his alkaline list had herbs, nutrition and an alkaline diet. I didn’t seek to lose Go to local library and borrow and watch the following videos;
also administered called neulasta to get member or friend so I had to get to work. many hybrid foods that were of no nutritional weight; as health would have it I lost disease and weight. It
my blood platelets stronger. I went through Well I stepped out on faith and as the saying value. No changes had occurred. all came out through my bowels; not cutting and no side Fork over Knives
so many side effects following the drugs goes, “faith without work is dead”, and that is effects. So, I look better, feel better, I am well. Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
and definitely the neulasta shot such as; exactly how I would have been had I allowed Sometime later, I remembered hearing lisa Fast Food Nation
excruciatingly weakened to the bone marrow, the medical field to treat me to death; lopez of TlC group speaking of a man who After some time friends and family began to see the Supersize Me
no tastebuds or appetite, skin discoloration, chemotherapy treatments. heals through alkaline diet and herbs and she improvements in my health and understand my course Food Inc.
hair thinning, tingling in hands and feet, lost wanted to share his revelations with the world. of action. Due to societal addiction to what is termed food,
of breath to cold liquids and frostbite to touch Some years prior to my developing colon His name was Dr Sebi. I began searching any many have been interested in an alkaline diet but are too The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful
cold objects. I literally could not tolerate cancer, a gentleman (mechanic), I had and everything Dr Sebi. His premise was that addicted to make changes. Every day is a challenge; be form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.
winter weather, yet I was born in December. repairing my vehicle talked to me about herbs are for the healing of the nations; as it food commercials, the smell of Gates bar-be-que will
The medications eliminated normal birthday alkaline and acid. I was overweight and stated in Genesis 1:29, Ezekial 47:12, and riding by, or a dinner date. I try to make it an effort to only Be cautious of what you eat, because what you eat will soon
celebrations for a few years. unhealthy; he stated through eating alkaline Revelations 22:2, the beginning, middle, put into my mouth those substances that are beneficial to eat you.
foods I could lose weight and feel better; he and end of the bible so as to not forget. Dr my body.I continue to eat alkaline foods, made by nature.
A year later I discovered my colon cancer had changed he and his wife’s diet to alkaline Sebi’s alkaline food list had food that were If nature didn’t make it don’t take it. In our society we are Drink spring water only; it is the only water that has minerals.
had spread to several organs in my body foods they both lost weight and she became on the pH scale of 7 or more which deemed taught to eat SAD; Standard American Diet. Everything The body is made up of 102 minerals. Bromide plus powder
including; nearby lymph nodes, spleen, healthy so much co that we was reported by them alkaline and of nutritional value which about the SAD diet is wrong, we eat for flavor and taste; or capsules by Dr Sebi have 92 of the 102 minerals essential
gallbladder, and liver. All this after 12 rounds doctors not to be able to have children; yet feeds the body. On the pH scale of below 7 not nutrition. Three meals a day with snacks in between for a healthy body.
of what I was told was the strongest form as he was speaking to me she was standing a substance is acid which is detrimental to wrecks and causes a state of dis-ease in the body. The
of chemotherapy. At this point, I was titled their pregnant close to 7 months. All of what the body. Putting the body in a state of dis- SAD foods causes inflammation or mucus to accumulate
a stage 4 terminal cancer patient. Upon he said at the time was interesting but my ease. I started changing my ating habits; in our bodies, attach to organs and calcify (harden); this
reading medical pamphlets, I asked how long only concern was what was wrong with my making my plates more colorful, eliminating cause dis-ease in our bodies. The only way to eliminate
of a life expectancy was for a person with this vehicle, how much, and when would I be able processed foods and meats. I will admit his the dis-ease is to change the diet and or cleanse with
form and stage of cancer. They stated up to to drive it again. He didn’t persist but that nutritional way of healing is drastic but it herbs internally. We give our cars oil changes and tune -
6 years life expectancy. Right then I knew I jewel of information was exactly what ignited was the only true path that reversed all my ups to perform better. Why neglect our body of performing Contributor: Charity White
was too fly to die by their timing. I had to try my research on alkaline and acidity some ailments or illnesses. I began purchasing his optimally? Only through nutrition does our body work for
an alternative method. My family and friends years later. products along with eating properly from the and not against us.
were totally against alternative methods; nutritional guide and upon returning to the
from their points of view surgery and prayer I first went to an iridologist who looked into hospital for scans they stated they didn’t see
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