Page 12 - Women of Influence Magazine May 2018
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Women of INfluence Magazine Women of Influence EmpowEring womEn To impacT naTions
May 2018 May 2018
Dr. Moneshia Dashiell
woi: what does literary woi: Can you give parents
success look like to you? a tip that can assist them
in engaging their youth in
dmd. I believe that literacy literacy?
looks like this: When a child
has the ability and support dmd. Yes, the tip that I would
of their parents to read, view, advise to parents is that
write, speak and listen in they should record on their
a way that allows them to phone or write down the youth
communicate effectively stories. Turn them into a book,
during their literacy. animation, or slide show(with
app). Children will see the
woi: what genre do you transformation of their
write in and who is your spoken words into written
writing audience? words. These stories can be
revisited to reinforce learning
dmd. The children book that I of words, story structure and
write and create are designed grammar.
for Pre-K through fifth grade
children and my audience is woi: How does your book
for children and their parents. help women become
influential and impactful
woi: what would you like in their lives?
to see in the world of
literacy for our youth? dmd. This is a children’s
book but I believe that
dmd. In the world of literacy once women look at it and
I would like to see our youth through it, it will influence
read for at least 15 minutes a and impact their lives to the
day, because reading is very point that it will encourage
important. It will give them them to interact with their
an escape and it will exercise children’s reading time.
there brains. The more youth
read, the better their reading woi: do you have any
skills and pronunciation will upcoming book releases
improve. or events that you would
like to share?
woi: How can literacy
impact and influence the dmd. I will be featured on the
lives of youth? front cover of the Women of
Influence Magazine and other
dmd. literacy can impact publications this year. I am
and influence the lives of so blessed and honored to
our youth by parents actively be featured among great and
participating in their youths beautiful women.
reading time and take
strong advantage of the
literacy programs that are
available for the youth in their
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