Page 18 - Women of Influence Magazine May 2018
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       Women of INfluence Magazine                                                                                                                                                                              Women of Influence  EmpowEring womEn To impacT naTions
                May 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                May 2018

                                        your shot of
               TeQUila CoUSar
                                  Helping moms build their business and life in a way that is intentional, manageable and profitable.

                                                                         Women of INfluence Interview                               WOI: How can  your business,            >

                                                                                                                                    organization or non-profit help women
                                                                                                                                    become  influential  and  impactful  in
                                                                                                                                    their lives?:

                                                                                                                                    TC: Since I work with both the personal
                                                                                                                                    development of the women in business
                                                                                                                                    and  the  business  itself,  this  helps  to
                                              mompreneur.  When  she  is  not  working,  trying to grow my business on the side as   bring balance and love for yourself and
                                              Tequila enjoys socializing with family and  a full-time mom.                          your work.
                                              friends,  reading,  traveling  and  spending
         WOI: Give us  your name,  where  you  time with her husband and daughter.  WOI: How  would  you like to see  your          WOI: Do  you have any upcoming
         are from and some general information                                      business impact the world?:                     events that you would like to share?:
         about you?:                          WOI: Can you give us the name of your
                                              business, organization or non-profit and  TC:  I  would  love  to  empower  more      Not at this time
         TC: Tequila Cousar resides in Columbus,  its purpose?:                     women  to  move  beyond  their  past  and
         Ohio,  and  is  a  wife  and  proud  mother                                into a present future where they can take,
         of  2.  She  is  an  Entrepreneur,  Personal  TC: I brand myself but I am under Cousar  what they think is a crazy idea, explore it,   I  help  women  to discover
         &  Business  Development  Coach.  She  Enterprise,  LLC  Helping  moms  build  develop it and share with the masses.
         teach  work  at  home  mom  and  women  their  business  and  life  in  a  way  that  is                                          their uniqueness and focus
         in  business  how  to  build  a  business  in  intentional,  manageable  and  profitable  WOI:  What is the biggest mistake you’ve
         a  way  that  is  intentional,  manageable,  I  give  video  tips  on  my  Facebook  page  made as an entrepreneur?              on the  core-competencies
         and  profitable.  She  is  also  an Author  of  for  managing  business,  social  media                                          mixed     with
         “She  Conquered”.  Tequila  Cousar  has  strategies   and   personal/business  TC:  And  how  did  you  recover  from  it:                         strategies
         12+  years  of  experience  in  the  Home  development strategies.         Doing  free.  When  you  do  free,  no  one          to effectively grow  their
         business  Industry  where  she  is  in  the                                respects your work or worth. I stop doing
         health  and  wellness  niche  in  which  she  WOI: What problem does your business,  it  because  I  know  my  self-worth  and   business without  chasing
         promotes  an  online  retail  brand  that  organization or non-profit solves?:   expertise is worth paying for.
         teaches people how to live clean and has                                                                                       people to buy their product
         a Bachelors of Science in Dental Hygiene  TC:  I  help  women  to  discover  their  WOI: Can you provide the readers with     or service. - Tequila Cousar
         from  The  Ohio  State  University  and  uniqueness  and  focus  on  the  core- a business tip that can assist those who
         Masters in Health Service Administration  competencies  mixed  with  strategies  to  are in or looking to start a business,
         from  Central  Michigan  University.  She  effectively  grow  their  business  without  organization or non-profit?:
         practiced  Dental  Hygiene  for  11  years  chasing  people  to  buy  their  product  or
         but  after  the  birth  of  her  daughter,  she  service.                  TC: Write your dream and start articulating
         went  through  a  season  of  exploration                                  a plan to accomplish it. Focusing on the       Website:
         and path evaluation. Collectively, Tequila  WOI:  What inspired  you to form this  core-competencies  of  your  work  will   LinkedIn: tequila-cousar-377165a
         and her husband decided that she would  type of business?:                 bring you the much desired life you have       FaceBook: tequilacousar
         leave  the  workforce  to  be  a  full-time                                always wanted.                                 Instagram:tequila_cousar
                                              TC:  It  was  birth  out  of  my  own  pain  of                                      Twitter: tequilacousar

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