Page 9 - Women of Influence Magazine May 2018
P. 9                                                                     
 Women of INfluence Magazine                                                          Women of Influence  EmpowEring womEn To impacT naTions
 May 2018                                                                                                    May 2018
                                                Invest your time wisely           So he who had received five talents
                                                                                  came and brought five other talents,
                                                                                  saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me
                                               Align your Activities              five talents; look, I have gained five
                                             with the seAson so you               more talents besides them.’
                                              cAn yield the rewArds.              Matthew 25:20 (NKJV)

                                             You can optimize  your  time by
                                             prioritizing  how  you  use  your  time.
                                             Scheduling activities  that move  you
                                             closer to your goal will keep you from
                                             being  busy  and  missing  your  next
                                             destination. Don’t forget to leave time
          Success, Success, Success and      on  your schedule  for unexpected
        more Success, everyone desires       activities and keep your appointment
        Success. That hunger to be successful   with success.
        is a part of our DNA as children of God
 road to SUCCESS
        because it is His promise.   However,                                         Invest your TREASURE
        having the desire for success is not   There is a time for everything, and
        enough to become successful. There  a season for every activity under       invest your finAnces
        is a road that drives visionary beyond  heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
        their passion of becoming successful                                         in your promise As A
        to manifesting it. Investment is  the                                       promissory note thAt
        key that  differentiates those that                                         you shAll Acquire it .
        desire  success  from those that
        acquire it. “Faith  without  works is                                     One of the greatest things you can ever
        dead” according  to  James 2:17, and                                      do for yourself is to put a seed in the
        it  is  going to take  work to  obtain                                    ground for your  success  so that you
        success.  Your level of success is a                                      may obtain the harvest. You should be
        direct correlation to the level of work                                   the first person to invest in your future.
        you put into becoming successful.                                         It paints a picture that you believes in
        Now, let’s talk about how we can shift                                    you and gives others  the courage  to
        from desiring success  to acquiring     Cultivate your talents            take the risk and invest in you. If you
        success.                                                                  are not  willing  to  take a chance on
                                                                                  yourself then  its  impossible to think
        Success, like everything in life, has   shArpen And enhAnce               that someone else  will. Go out and
        principles  that  we must live by  to   your skills through               purchase the necessary things to get
        acquire it.  To be successful in life,                                    you headed down the road to success
        we must follow the laws of investing     hAnds-on trAining
        in  our   self,  marriage,  family,       or personAl And
        relationships, ministries, businesses,       professionAl                 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and
        etc.  Invest means  to use, give, or        development.                  reaped in the same year a hundred-
        devote (time, talent, treasures.), as for                                 fold; and the LORD blessed him.
        a purpose or  to achieve something.   Your current skill level is enough   Genesis 26:12 (NKJV)
        There are three currencies you must   to get  you started. So get started,
        use  to invest in our success.   We   evaluation, and adjust as  you go.
        must spend our  time,  talent, and   The more you use what you have, the
        treasure  to acquire success in any   better you will become. Don’t hesitate
 “Your willingness to   endeavour.  These  are the three-  to go back to school, hirer a spiritual
                                             midwife, life or business coach  to
        precious commodity  that  we must
 invest in Yourself   invest  to become successful.  Your   help sharpen your current skills and
                                             develop those skills that are dormant
        time,  talent,  and  treasures  cannot
 empowers others to   be spent individually because it will
 invest in You”   keep us  from reaching  the success
        level of our real potential.
 derashay zorn

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