42 Days Spiritual Growth Campaign Leaders Bio Submission
Dear Leader
Thank you for signing up for the 42 Day Spiritual Growth Campaign . Take a moment and create a profile so that you can submit your information to be included on our website and so that we can have your information ready and availble to introduce you doing the session and develop your social media leaders badge. If you have already created a profile you can skip this part unless you want to update your photo and bio.
Click Login/ Register to create or login to account. Once you have created an account you will have to login using the username and password you created the account. Complete the detail section and upload your photo for the flyer in the photo section and you may upload a few ministry in action flyers. Provide the full url for your social media account such as https:/www.facebook.com/derashay. These profile will be available for others to review and reach out to you and your ministry. Thanks for being apart of this amazing work.
International Intercessor & Word of Empowerment Leader
Prophetess Terri is an Intercessor, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Psalmist, Entrepreneur, and a Spiritual Counselor that encourage and inspire others to get in the presence of God and seek His face like never before, she promotes Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration whether individually or collectively and teaches the importance of having a lifestyle dedicated to prayer, repentance, and fasting that helps in the Spiritual Growth and Development process. Her purpose of being a Kingdom Encourager helps individuals in the spiritual birthing process while discovering the God-given purpose and destiny for their life.
She attended Kingdom Strategist University where she received her Certificate of Ministerial Studies and became an Ordained Licensed Minister through DIVINE ORDER RESTORATION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL where the Founder /Overseer is Dr. Derashay, Kingdom Strategist, Atlanta, GA. who is known as the spiritual mid-wife that helps in the healing, building, restoring and birthing process of sons and daughters worldwide. Prophetess Terri received intense instructional biblical training, warfare strategies, and the hands on training that was needed in order to complete the process as an ordained minister. While attending Kingdom Strategist University and being under the spiritual structure of D.O.R.M
INTERNATIONAL, she learned the importance of why Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration must happen in the lives of ministers and individuals, the importance of being effective in your ministry calling, and why the birthing process is necessary in order to discover the God-given purpose and destiny for your life.
Prophetess Terri is the Founder/ Overseer of WOMAN OF TRAVAIL MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL in Indianapolis, IN where the foundation is Intercessory Prayer & Worship where God is Healing, Delivering & Restoring and birthing purpose in our lives according to Isaiah 56:7 "For Mine House Shall Be Called An House of Prayer For All People." My purpose and goal as a Kingdom Encourager is to help individuals to discover their true identity in Christ and what their position/role is in the Ministry of the Prophetic and how to be an effective minister for the Kingdom of God and for the edifying of the Body of Christ. WOMAN OF TRAVAIL MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL is a place of Peace, Refuge, Refreshing, Renewal, Healing, Deliverance, Restoration and to get in the presence of God to just pour out unto Him the cares of this world and to get spiritually equipped and trained in preparation for spiritual battle and for your God-given assignment/assignments. We must be "Sold Out" to prayer in this hour.
Prophetess Terri is the CEO/President of Anderson Entertainment Record Label where she released 2 Gospel Singles in 2020 "YOUR MAJESTY" and "SEND YOUR RAIN" which was birthed through WOMAN OF TRAVAIL MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL. Her music ministry is reaching worldwide and is available at Online Streaming Platforms to draw individuals close to God and bring them into a personal relationship with Christ. Kingdom Encourager's music ministry is a clarion call for individuals to humble themselves, seek the face of God, come to a place of prayer and repentance by surrendering of Mind, Body, and Soul and to allow the healing and transformation process to happen in the lives of the lost and broken-hearted, for we must heed the call of God.
Prophetess Terri is also known as Kingdom Encourager who promotes the healing power of God, by building up, empowering, and encouraging individuals who have been torn down, battered, broken, abused, misused, mistreated, scorned, or whatever has taken place in their life, that has brought them to a place of darkness and brokenness in their hearts. God has used her in ministry to tear down walls and bearers in the lives of individuals and to bring them to a place of freedom in the Spirit Man. She believes the healing and deliverance journey is vitally important, in order to discover your true identity in Christ, and to be effective in ministry as God has ordained for your life. We must come to a place of Healing and Wholeness.